Know That Matters


Knowledge is a key to success

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Is it true that “Knowledge is a key to success

“Knowledge is a key to success” is a well known proverb. It is necessary to understand how important it is to acquire knowledge. Falling prey to stray ideologies and burdened by the fears and frustrations of modern life, the modern man has become thoroughly materialistic, consigning all moral, spiritual and human values to oblivion. It seems as if the Hereafter, the Day of Judgement, and the Final Accountability during life after death have no more been his concerns. This is the main reason to be involved in all types of wrongdoings and spend precious lives on less important tasks. This has added enormous miseries to his daily chores leaving little chances of his survival from the quagmire of material pursuits and base nature.
Neglecting the base of Nature and pursuing happiness in materialism has resulted in stresses, strains, and overburden upon Man. When a person is aware of the priorities of his life on Earth, he would draw his attention towards the bigger goal, not too small and useless tasks. Seeking knowledge is the only source to differentiate between Right and Wrong.

knowledge is a key to Success

Why Knowledge is a Key to Success?

When it comes to career and life success, knowledge is a vital aspect. While many successful people may appear to be geniuses or lucky, they are just as likely to be ignorant as anyone else. Understanding this fact can help you make realistic decisions about your future and avoid taking unnecessary risks. Knowledge can also give you a solid foundation to build on as you grow and develop into your role.

Ways to get knowledge:

There are some ways to get knowledge and come out of darkness.

Having an open mind

Do not follow anything blindly. People with an open mind are able to see new things and gain knowledge from different experiences. They also have a broad perspective, so they can see situations from all perspectives and can recognize polarized ideas. Having an open mind allows you to see different perspectives and make new connections, leading to increased personal strength. Open-minded people are often empathetic toward others. They are also less likely to get defensive when challenged. They are also able to consider other people’s points of view and are willing to admit when they are wrong. Open-minded people can also become leaders because they can overcome fixed thinking and come up with new ideas. They can also draw on the experience and expertise of team members to improve their ideas.

Being ready for change

Change readiness refers to the ability to adapt and implement a program, project, or truth successfully. It is an important part of organizational change management. Change readiness is also a shared understanding that an organization is ready to face the challenges associated with change. It is facilitated through consistent leadership and information sharing. It also takes into account shared experience and broader organizational processes. Always be just to yourself and accept the truth.

However, generating a shared sense of organizational readiness is not easy. As a result, many organizations have problems implementing complex organizational changes. The motivation theory and the social cognitive model suggest some conditions that facilitate change readiness.

Getting reliable sources of knowledge

Acquiring knowledge from reliable sources is a vital part of your life. Using data from unreliable sources can have negative consequences. Always confirm the credibility of the source and find the truth. The best witness of the truth is yourself, you will surely get some alarm if you are sincere in acquiring knowledge.

Learning new things

Learning new things can help you grow, enhance your skills, and broaden your perspective. It can also boost your mood and well-being. Therefore, it is important to seek new learning on a regular basis, whether through formal or informal methods. If you’re not sure where to start, consider looking or searching for experts for advice or searching online for information on a topic you’re interested in from authentic sources.


Knowledge is the best source to fight against the immorality of any culture or society. Nowadays, a lot of misconceptions and wrong traditions are injected into our society to make it infected. In this way, the growth of such a society is diminished.

Revival of such a community or society is only possible by seeking knowledge. Knowledge is the only power to break the shackles of cultural ignorance and enlighten yourself to grow and prosper. Let’s start acquiring knowledge for a healthy , wealthy and peaceful lifestyle.

2 thoughts on “Knowledge is a key to success”

  1. Pingback: What is the role of psychology? - knowthatmatters

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