Know That Matters

Emotional Intelligence makes you successful

How Emotional Intelligence Makes You Successful

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Emotional intelligence is a skill that helps you manage your feelings and make objective decisions. People with higher emotional intelligence are able to identify when their feelings are interfering with their decision-making process. Consequently, they avoid making emotional-based decisions. Emotional intelligence is an important factor in determining your success. Similarly, an emotionally intelligent person is more prone to success.

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is a skill that helps people to manage their emotions effectively. People with high emotional intelligence are able to recognize and respond to the emotions of others. They have high self-awareness and are more likely, to be honest with themselves. They also understand how their actions and words affect others. As a result, they are more confident and are less likely to set themselves up for failure. It enables you to understand the psychology of the human beings around you as well.

Developing emotional intelligence is just as important for success in your professional life as technical skill. Many organizations are now using this factor in their hiring processes. One of the cosmetics company changed their interview process for salespeople and found that those who were hired under the new system sold nine times and experienced lower staff turnover more than people who had been hired under the old system.

Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence

Comparison of I.Q. and E.Q.

While both IQ and EQ are considered valuable traits, they are not the same. While IQ measures a person’s ability to solve problems, EQ is about how they handle interpersonal situations. For example, someone with high IQ may struggle to coach or mentor others, while someone with low EQ may struggle to motivate others.

An individual’s IQ is a measurement of his or her logical, mathematical, and logical reasoning abilities. By contrast, EQ measures the person’s emotional skills and is less influenced by their parents’ genes. However, both can be learned and improved.

For example, high-functioning autism and Asperger’s syndrome are associated with low-EQ. Studies with controls groups have shown that these characteristics can be changed in people with Asperger’s and autism. While IQ is largely genetic, there are ways to improve EQ by eating healthy foods and performing mental-ability exercises.

Emotional intelligence makes you successful

Emotional intelligence is a skill that allows you to successfully manage your emotions and interpersonal relationships. Developing emotional intelligence is essential if you want to succeed in the workplace. Emotional intelligence allows you to recognize your own strengths and weaknesses and recognize the impact your feelings have on others. By developing this skill, you will be more confident and less likely to set yourself up for failure.

To improve your emotional intelligence, you need to practice your empathetic skills. This involves not just recognizing other people’s emotions, but also responding to them appropriately. For example, when you are meeting someone and they are feeling down, you might take extra care of them and do whatever you can to lift their spirits.

Emotional quotient in leaders

Emotional intelligence is a key ingredient in a successful leader. It is the ability to listen, make decisions, and act with compassion and empathy. It is a valuable trait that builds respect among employees. It also improves your ability to think outside the box and value others’ ideas.

Leaders who are emotionally intelligent are not afraid to make mistakes and try new ideas. They don’t have the fear of failure, which is essential for the survival of any good business. The fear of failure prevents people from taking risks and coming up with innovative solutions. Moreover, emotional leaders are more approachable and understanding. This results in more effective communication and more feedback for employees.

Emotional intelligence also helps leaders make better decisions and handle unexpected situations. They keep their cool under pressure by identifying the sources of stress and using their internal guidance to make the right decision. This doesn’t mean that you can’t express your frustration and anger, but it can help you become a more effective leader.


Emotional intelligence is essential for success in the work environment and in business. It’s important to note that your I.Q. skills, and experience may not make you successful in the same way. These characteristics are largely dependent on your social background. However, there are several key characteristics of highly effective leaders.

People with high emotional intelligence have a variety of social and interpersonal skills. They are more likely to build rapport with others and to speak up if they feel uncomfortable. They also value the opinions of others. Their skills include active listening, verbal and nonverbal communication, leadership, and persuasiveness.

Self-control is critical. While your emotions are fleeting, you should never make snap decisions based on them. This can be detrimental to your long-term goals. To improve your self-regulation, you must become more aware of your strengths and weaknesses. This will help you to adjust better to changing circumstances.

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